I guess it had gone okay with Stevie Rae I mean, she had agreed to meet me tomorrow-And she hadn't tried to bite me, which was a plus Of course, the whote trying-to-eat-the-street-person -thing was highly dафгкдisturbing Zoey's best friend, Stevie Rae, is undead in an eww! zombie! kind of way, not in a cool vampyre kind of way She's struggling to retain her humanity and Zoey doesn't have a clue how to help But she does know that anything they discover must be kept secretбдчиг Unfortunately, trust has become a rare commodity Sinister forces are at work at the House of Night, where the line between friend and enemy is becoming dangerously blurred Формат: 12,5 см x 20 см Авторы Филис Кристина Каст P C Cast Филис Кристина Каст (псевдоним ФККаст) - американская писательница, преподаватель английской литературы и писательского мастерства в средней школе города Талса (штат Оклахома, США) Первый роман ФК Каст "Богиня по ошибке" (Goddess бочдоby Mistake) вышел в Кристин Каст Kristin Cast.